ANZSoilML Archive


Archive of previous versions of ANZSoilML. Imported from the CSIRO subversion repository at

Folder Structure

| Folder | Purpose | Description | | —— | ——- | ———– | | anzsoilml | package | The ‘all components’ package. Linking to the all components anzsoilml.xsd should import all other XSDs. | | anzsoilml-core | package | Core classes used by all packages. | | anzsoilml-gsm | package | Classes for Global Soil Map Spatial Entities. | | anzsoilml-landscape | package | Classes describing landscape, land use, climate and vegetation features. | | anzsoilml-soil | package | Classes describing the classification and composition of soils and their horizons. | | anzsoilml-soilsample | package | Classes describing soil sampling and analysis. |

Sub-folder Structure

| Folder | Purpose | Description | | —— | ——- | ———– | | classmap | design | Enterprise Architect XML configuration for mapping ISO/OGC UML types to their XML Schema - uses the EA UML Profile for GML. | | html | documentation | An HTML representation of the UML model. All components package only. | | instances | example | Example GML instance documents for commonly used Feature Types. | | uml | design | Enterprise Architect XML Metadata Interchange (XMI) documents containing the UML classes for the package. | | xsd | xsd | XML Schema Documents (XSDs). |